Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wow! 15 days till Costa Rica, 6 days till Christmas.

I can't believe that we're leaving for Costa Rica in 15 days. I'm thinking that time will fly by with Christmas coming, friends and family, and all the goodbyes. We're only going to be gone for 37 days, but it seems like we've been praying and preparing for this trip forever.

It was so much fun to welcome Josh and Christy Meyer and their wonderful family back to Illinois yesterday. Josh and Christy just returned from 3 years in Costa Rica serving at La Palabra de Vida. Their family is adjusting to the cold weather, I'm sure! They have been so helpful as we've prepared to leave the United States for only a short time compared to their 3 years, but a long time for us!

For Vickie, it's been hard to picture exactly what each day will look like with home school, a Spanish tutor five days a week, and the La Palabra de Vida library project. We recently received 300 Spanish language library books to take with us and we have been carefully packing them in suitcases and bubble wrap.

For me, it's funny not having a job for more than a month. I have worked nearly continuously since I was 10 years old, throwing papers was my first job. I know I'm dating myself, as very few papers are thrown anymore, and they're definitely not thrown by 10 year old boys at 5 in the morning. The good news is that the fine people at Byron Generating Station have invited me back for 2011 to teach operators beginning in mid-February. Praise the Lord for this great company and their collection of well run nuclear power plants!

For our kids, they are excited and nervous at the same time about the unknown. Being away from the familiar and the normal is an experience many children never have, and we are praying that they thrive during our time down South.

Fundraising has been such a blessing to us! Our friends have blessed us so richly! We are so thrilled at God's provision for this school in Costa Rica! You have helped us bless a very deserving school and staff and will enable them to do their jobs better in the future.

Some tidbits we've learned. San Jose (the Costa Rican capital city) has all the comforts of home and a large expatriate population. Apartotel Obelisco, our home away from home for 37 days, has a Costa Rican breakfast every morning, and laundry service for fifty bucks a month (I know, I had to ask twice, also!). We are looking forward to visiting the Pacific coast, and the active volcanos in the country.

We'll take lots of pictures and do our best to keep you informed. In the meantime, the Eagles just defeated the astonished Giants, it's 17 degrees F in Byron today, and our Small Group Christmas party is tonight at our house.


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