Monday, December 20, 2010

Why are we going to Costa Rica for 37 days?

That's a great question. We originally prayed through this and decided on 3 months at the end of 2010. After work next year was factored in and further prayer about the time frame, 37 days seemed just about right. Plus, my employer really wanted me to come back by the middle of February!

But back to the great question. Vickie and I have been very active in every church we've attended. Sometimes hyperactive. We like teaching, helping, cleaning, preaching, moving furniture, blowing up balloons, praying, singing, and loving on the those far from God. In the middle of everything, we've always felt a yearning to go overseas to further the gospel of Jesus Christ. Busy, productive, in God's will. But not exactly.

We really believe there are three things that are compelling us to serve in Costa Rica, and then consider further overseas ministry in the coming years.

First, we believe that God has specifically called our entire family to minister in this way. Not just Bill going to Mexico or Vickie serving in the Karen Refugee ministry, but all of us working side by side in a meaningful way.

Second, we feel God has given us an opportunity to serve Him in an educational setting. Vickie and I both have taught in various settings for over 25 years and we are excited about putting our experience to use at La Palabra de Vida.

Third, we believe that going and serving is the best way for our children to understand the sacrifice that the Lord speaks so prominently about in scripture. We want to deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Jesus, even if it is only for a short time, and in an idyllic setting!

Does this mean that all families should do something like this? Absolutely not. I would say that many families should sit down and assess exactly what their Christian lives mean to them and where they should serve. Not doing anything at all is not one of the options I read about in scripture.

We were so blessed to attend Five Oaks Community Church for nearly nine years. At Five Oaks, the culture of the church was one of service to others, and we were given meaningful opportunites to serve at every turn. We were so blessed by our time there, and really developed our desire to take this trip as a result of the blessing this church has been in our lives. Thanks Dana, Henry, Jeni, Jim, Jerry, Jennifer, and all the others who have inspired us!


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