Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Britt Coffee Plantation Tour. For Pastor Henry.

With the warm weather, high altitudes, and abundance of mountains, Costa Rica is perfect for great coffee. The locals always recommend Britt. At breakfast each morning, Ana, our hostess, serves Britt Dark Roast which is very, very good.

My family toured the Britt Coffee Plantation this week and loved it. The guides presented an informative and often hilarious show, with a 10 minute drama detailing the history of coffee and Costa Rica.

Following the tour we enjoyed the best food we've eaten in Costa Rica. Here is a picture of our tour guides and below is a closeup of coffee beans growing near our residence. If you love coffee as
much as Vickie and I, this alone is a good reason to come to this beautiful country.

Until we see you again, buy a nice whole bean coffee, grind it fresh every morning, and have several cups a day. It's a great pleasure to me, and maybe for you also!

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